Malibu BBQ+ Studio 1 is opening its doors the middle of the work week this Wednesday, November 29, 2023 for a get to know you get together for INTERDEPENDENT Pictures. Take a break from the grind and unwind with the sounds of our resident DJ over BBQ, conversation and a little cornhole. ACTORS come early for the open call (Time slots from 11am) 👇 We are looking for local actors we can bring directly to callbacks for all future INTERDEPENDENT productions. Perform a prepared monologue, bring a scene study partner, or join in a cold reading of sides from any production being considered in our Telegram mailroom or posted on Casting Networks. STUDIO PARTNERS stay late for poker (5-9) ♠️♥️♣️♦️ About INTERDEPENDENT https://interdependent.studio We are an open-source feature film partnership. From beginning to THE END we finance, develop, produce, distribute, and exhibit INTERDEPENDENT Pictures together. Each event we host marks a milestone in our production timeline. It is a chance to stop and celebrate a specific accomplishment while building a community of people who love film and working in the film business. If you just want to have fun and party like a movie star, there’s time for that too. Every event is different. ——— Add @grandplotmaster on Plots to see our other events on the map. You’ll need to https://downloadplots.com
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Malibu BBQ+ Studio 1 is opening its doors the middle of the work week this Wednesday, November 29, 2023 for a get to know you get together for INTERDEPENDENT Pictures. Take a break from the grind and unwind with the sounds of our resident DJ over BBQ, conversation and a little cornhole. ACTORS come early for the open call (Time slots from 11am) 👇 We are looking for local actors we can bring directly to callbacks for all future INTERDEPENDENT productions. Perform a prepared monologue, bring a scene study partner, or join in a cold reading of sides from any production being considered in our Telegram mailroom or posted on Casting Networks. STUDIO PARTNERS stay late for poker (5-9) ♠️♥️♣️♦️ About INTERDEPENDENT https://interdependent.studio We are an open-source feature film partnership. From beginning to THE END we finance, develop, produce, distribute, and exhibit INTERDEPENDENT Pictures together. Each event we host marks a milestone in our production timeline. It is a chance to stop and celebrate a specific accomplishment while building a community of people who love film and working in the film business. If you just want to have fun and party like a movie star, there’s time for that too. Every event is different. ——— Add @grandplotmaster on Plots to see our other events on the map. You’ll need to https://downloadplots.com
Venue Photos:
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